Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Memories di Ireland ~Winter Break~

Kali ini nk post photos je coz "pictures can describe thousands of words" isn't it?=)
Allrite! Last december ri tu, my friends and I went to Ireland for PUISI programme and wanna traveling too..
Alang2 dh duk kt UK ni, ni lah peluang yg patut di'grab' coz duit pound lbh tinggi compared to other countries
So poket tu penuh la skit nk travel pun...=)  
Photo2 di bawah menunjukkan tmpt2 di Ireland yg ktowang visited..
Senang cakap, Ireland mmg cantik n bnyk tmpt2 heritage yg ktowang lawat sprti di bwh...
Mmg x rugi BEB!!!

Giants Causeway - nearby Atlantic Ocean

In the middle of Giants Causeway

Depan RCSI - doktor2 kt Mesia mostly study kt sini

Depan Dublin Mosque

Sungai di tempat program PUISI diadakan @ Glandelough

My group members wif kak mimah - "kump. An-Nahlu"

View of Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge from tmpt yg jauh

On the way ke rope bridge

Dh smpi bridge tu - baca bismillah bnyk2 =)

Panjang jgk la n GAYAT la jugak!!=)

Ni dh smpi the other side of cliffs slps cross bridge tu

Ni la rope bridge tu dr jauh

Beach kt situ time winter



  1. 1 day SJ akan menjejakkan kaki di sana juga...!! yeahhh..mudah mudahan,,,~

  2. nnt Sj sampai sana Sj roger anda ea.. hahaha.. siapkan makanan sedap2 taw... tu pon blo di beri keizinan utk menjejakkan kaaki ke sana la~

  3. buang notification tuh~ http://shahjiehan.blogspot.com/2010/12/tutorial-utk-memudahkan-org-komen-blog.html

  4. sj: no problem!!! anda jgn risau psl hospitality... kt sini rmi orang mesia... juz bgtau bla nk mai ok..=)

  5. woww...best ye~tp jambatn gtg 2 mcm seram la~

  6. rope bridge tu sgt menakotkan. tak gayat ke naik? :/
    btw, seronok je kan dpt g oversea. teringinnn. hee

  7. dhira: agak seram jgk la tp sbb dh alang2 dtg sini, apa lg, redah je wlaupun takut... tp it's a satisfaction la

    nabila faryzza: agak gayat jgk la tp rs sgt puas hati..=) nabila, u'll still have chance to go oversea.. juz work hard bebeh!!=)

  8. paling best masa naik rope bridge tu! pemandangan yang sangat indah!

  9. subhanallah..
    cantiknya pemandangan
    bila lah i dapat merasa pergi overseas
